- Logistic cost would be applied in case of cancellation of the articles at the time of pickup/drop ₹300. After successfully generating your order this amount will be included in the final bill. Payment 50% adv of the estimated bill n rest at the time of delivery
- If the customer is not found at the delivery place at the time of delivery then it would attack a charge of ₹300 for getting the articles re-delivered.
- Shoeclinic tries cleaning the articles in the best possible manner, however does not take responsibility if the articles do not get cleaned even after doing the complete treatment due to the property of the leather and stain removal may cause damage to some items and we do not guarantee complete removal of stains.
- In case of recoloring, we can’t guarantee a 100% match with the original colour. They may be variation on the final outcome and full payment will be changed to the customer.
- Scars or other such marks, which were covered over, that may be revealed during some process.
- Shoeclinic cannot be held responsible for anything left in the pocket or in any part of an item that is given to us for repair or cleaning.
- Incase of net replacement or patchwork, closest possible patch or net is being placed after confirmation from the customer. It’s not possible to find the exact matching net or a patch.
- If no information is received from the customer within 30 days l, Shoeclinic will have full rights to deal with the article at its sole discretion to recover the charges for the services available by the customer.
- Shoeclinic shall not be held responsible for the damages and losses caused by burglary, house breaking, larceny or fire.
- However, any loss due to mishandling or negligence on account of Shoeclinic. Shall be compensated by Shoeclinic. Such compensation shall be up to a maximum of 3 times the value spend by the customer on that article.
- Service warranty provide by us 90 days from the date of delivery according to the job.
- Under the jurisdiction of Delhi High Court.
- I have read the general terms & conditions. I hereby authorize Shoeclinic to proceed with the Job. Kindly Acknowledge.